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Chef's have been at the centre of everything we do at ChalkStream® - without you we simply would not be where we are today.

When we started it was all about showing chefs the quality of our trout and how the fish are grown on the farms. Ten years on it is still the quality and service that put us on so many amazing menus across the UK.

If you would like to see first hand what we do, please email me - we'd love to show you round.






Use the left and right arrow keys to navigate between before and after photos.

learn about our supplier farms

Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide states that fresh water trout with Global GAP certification is well managed and mitigates many areas of environmental concern in open net pen aquaculture, including discharge of effluents, use of chemicals, escapes, disease and parasites - more info.

wholesale ordering

To open an account or place an order contact Hollie or any member of the office team on 01794 330000 or email here.