"Trout is a fabulous source of many nutrients pivotal to our health. ChalkStream® trout is a particularly good source of highly digestible protein, thanks in part to the fast flowing rivers they swim in. This protein provides all the essential building blocks we require in our everyday metabolism" Dr. Lucy Williamson DVM MSc AfN.
Fish are supported by water and therefore have softer muscle fibres than land dwelling animals, making them far easier to digest. Furthermore, ChalkStream® trout are grown in high flow conditions producing particularly lean, well conditioned fillets. Nutritional analysis for ChalkStream® trout is 20.31% for Protein, 9.92% for Energy and 1.33% for Carbohydrate.
Much has been made of the importance of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and Public Health England still recommends we should eat 3.15g of EPA/DHA per week. ChalkStream® trout has 1.08% of EPA/DHA, therefore, eating one fresh twin pack (2 x 130g) will provide nearly all the weekly omega-3 recommended.
In his book 'Food For Life' Dr. Tim Spector casts some doubt on the benefits of omega-3, believing the nutritional importance has been 'overhyped' by the supplement industry. Never-the-less, he accepts that real fish-oils like omega-3 may be beneficial and that supplements fail because they probably lack other key ingredients. He goes on to say that research of an omega-3 fatty acid supplement during pregnancy showed a reduction in the risk of preterm birth by 11% and early preterm birth by 42%. Furthermore, members of his own team 'found that people with higher omega-3 levels from fish had healthier gut microbes and lower blood pressure.'
"Trout is one of the very few foods to be rich in Vitamin D, vital to keep immune systems strong" Dr. Lucy Williamson DVM MSc AfN.
ChalkStream® trout has 13.6 (ug/100g) of vitamin D3, 23.6 (ug/100g) of Vitamin A and is a good source of Vitamin B12.
Concerns have been raised over the presence of heavy metals in wild caught and farmed fish. ChalkStream® trout has been analysed for heavy metals and the results showed 0.0035 ug/g of Lead, 0.0021 ug/g of Mercury and 0.0035 ug/g of Cadmium - all results are significantly below the levels which could cause any concern.
Tim Spector concludes 'If picking sustainable fish in your area is a tough task labels like the Marine Stewardship Council and websites can help inform your choices.' We couldn't agree more - you can view the Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide here and you can read more about sustainability and the Good Fish Guide rating of our trout on our Impacts page here.
For more information on the nutritional benefits of our trout read 'ChalkStream® Trout Nutritional Review' by Dr. Lucy Williamson CLICK HERE